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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2004
This posting is in regards as to what happened to me and could be a learning device for every Airman out there. Basic summary is that I lost my medial certificate, the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with me and I was screwed by the airline I’m currently on medical leave with. This could happen to anybody and if anyone can help, please get in touch. Don’t bother reading unless you got a few minutes or you care to learn a bit about how the Airline Industry actually works.
It was the last week of Oct.2005. I was on a 5 day trip to finish off my month before going home for a nice 4 or 5 days off. My trip was supposed to end on 10/31 but when I logged out, Crew Scheduling of course Junior Manned me into "interface days" for a full day of flying with an early a.m. show time on 11/2/2005. Being a commuter it was really tough. I did make it home for one night in my bed on 10/31, however I had to head back to Domicile on 11/1/2005 in order to make my early show time on 11/2. I felt completely fatigued, stressed, flat out pissed off, and worn out from the previous 5 days.
So I did start my one-day trip on 11/2/2005. This particular airline likes to make your duty time add up around 12 to 14hrs. a day with a lot of down time in between trips which is just as tiring, so that’s how I didn’t "time out"
On the last out and back we arrived to our final destination in TN. It was windy, I flew the A/C. there with no issues, but there was a strong wind even with the Jet Bridge pulled up. After all passengers de-planed I was taking my relax time in the F.O. seat and preparing for the return trip to Domicile as well. As I was sitting there it felt as if the wind was whipping the Jet Bridge so hard that the nose of the A/C seemed as if it was rocking like a boat. Up and Down, Up and Down. I asked the Captain if he felt that, and he looked at me like I was crazy so instead of embarrassing myself I got up to do my walk around like nothing was wrong and noticed I had a hard time walking. My legs were almost cemented to the ground. I felt a form of Hypoxia. I felt a nice sense of well-being and just knew something was wrong. I told the Captain after the pre-flight and he said, no worries. I’ll fly back, you perform Non-Fly duties, and we’ll be fine. It’s just one more leg. "He was Junior Manned too" Luckily enough there were no problems on the ride back to Domicile, however I did feel "dizzy" while taxing out but once we were airborne and at altitude life was good. I felt like I shook it off and it was some sort of "dream". Once back on the ground and wrapping the Post-flight inspection up I noticed the same slight feeling but ignored it and ran to catch a flight home. It was 1.a.m. by the time I got home. It had a 17 hr. work day from uniform on to uniform off.
On 11/3/2005 I woke up at 6a.m. which didn’t give me much sleep. All day long I felt kind of foggy, eerie, off kilter, just didn’t feel quite normal but ignored it and progressed onward with my day. My girlfriend and I went to the local pub that evening where I had three pints of beer. We got home and were arguing about various subjects. Afterwards I went to the restroom, and while washing my hands felt real faint. "White" Well I pulled a "Tony Soprano" Down I went, and I went hard. I woke up on my floor unsure of how long I had been out and was twitching uncontrollably for a few seconds. The room was spinning and I felt dizzy and I had ringing in my ears. It was a re-occurrence of the day before except a lot worse. My girlfriend had no clue I even passed out and could care less so I just went to bed a bit concerned. I immediately called my doctor in the early a.m. of 11/4/2005. She had to take the day off because I was so ill and dizzy feeling that I couldn’t even drive a car, infact I got car sick and threw up on the way to the doctor.
My doctor was out for the day so I had to see his nurse practitioner who told me she did not know what was wrong with me but I could not fly and was "grounded" until cleared by a Neurologist and a Flight Surgeon. Here’s the kicker. I’m a first year F.O. and still in my probationary period. I remind you I’ve never ever been airsick and throughout my years of instructing could easily do spins and aerobatics with no problems.
I called my Base Manager to notify him of what happened. He assured me everything would be fine, take care of my business, get better and come back to work. I was automatically assumed I would get my guarantee pay per month and that my medical issues would be attended to on the company’s insurance policy. I saw an Ear, Nose Throat Doctor first while waiting for a Neurology appointment. I wanted to get right on it. A couple weeks later I went to the soonest Neurologist appointment I could get. In the mean time I was having spins, ringing ears; migraine headache’s, could barely drive and just did not feel good at all. A lot of lying around and not feeling "well" but I was confident the company was going to pay me and look out for me. Anyways.. I went to the Neurologist on 11/17 or so. This guy told me that if I were a truck driver "which I do hold a CDL" that I would be out of work for at least 90 days after I was free and clear of symptoms. This guy didn’t tell me much. He ordered MRI’s and Cat Scans so I got them done. I had another appointment on the 25th for yet another Neurologist. Since I was not happy with the first guy I went to the second. In the mean time I had Cat Scans; and MRI’s done, but still had symptoms. MRI’s and CAT scans came back fine. The Nurse Practitioner called me and said I had Chronic Sinus Itus, which gave me a nasty Sinus Infection. She also explained it could be caused from being a pilot. (I.E. Pressure Changes, Dirty Cabin Filters,etc.) The second Neurologist scheduled me for an EEG and ENG test, but the soonest available dates were 12/1 and 12/2 for both tests. The doctors were stumped and said I have Vertigo symptoms. Duh!!! The Sinus Infection explains the Fatigue and stuffy head I was feeling the last few days of my trip.
When I called my Base Manager a couple weeks later to notify him what was going on with my doctor visits and that I had not been paid on the 16th of the month like I was supposed to be he told me that he had placed me on medical leave and that I don’t get paid and that my medical insurance would terminate at the end of November because it’s Company Policy. I literally Sh$t a brick. Not only was I stressed out from bringing home only $1500 a month as and F.O, but now I had my pride taken away from me with no money in saving’s from trying to be a retarded Airline Bus Driver for the last 9 years of my life.
So I woke up on December 1st 2005 without yet another paycheck and without medical insurance, but here I am an employee of this crooked, cheap airline still? How does this happen? I was told "oh you can collect long term disability in 90 days." My career was literally taken right out from underneath me and there wasn’t anything I could do about it because I’m not a rich kid who has mom and dad to back me with medical insurance and cash. I was able to find a job at a local car dealership in the month of December but they offered no medical insurance for 90 days. In the mean time my credit cards were 2 months overdue now because I didn’t pay them in November when this happened to me. My truck was 60 days past due and had to be sold to avoid the repo man, and rent was 2 months behind! My relationship with my girlfriend was put to the test and unfortunately it was enough to run her off.
I now have a job making descent money with insurance but they don’t want to cover Pre-Existing conditions. However I was able to get a few things done like the EEG and the ENG. I got them done in June of 2006. These tests came back negative, however I still have dizzy spells, ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, or changes in my hearing. The Neurologist has me on wacky anti-seizure meds and they don’t have any answer for me as to what I have to this day! A few people have said Meniers Disease? I spoke to an attorney. He said, oh this is easy, just get your doctors to verify it’s a work related incident. Well I quit seeing the doctor’s on 11/30/2005 and didn’t go back till the end of May when I got new insurance. They refuse to stand up for me. I’ve filed for long term disability. The Airline’s insurance company doesn’t want to pay me because I make more money now than I did as an F.O. In their eyes I don’t rate for any compensation.
As of now for the headache’s the airline has put me through I am seeking a serious compensation but it appears I am out of luck. My base Manager had the balls to call me a couple months ago and asked me when I was coming back to work and I may need to think about resigning or allowing the company to "let me go." I called the union immediately. I even filed a Grievance with the union. They've done nothing!! They could care less. The union did beat his door down the following day and he called me to apologize and told me I could have as long as I needed on medical leave. But still the point is that if I didn’t have another job, I would still have no pay, compensation, or medical insurance from the airline! How do they expect me to come back to work?
I first of all need to get my health back and be relieved of all symptoms and obtain a medical certificate. Then I need to seek legal action against the airline. They refuse to compensate me and take care of one of their own; therefore I refuse to resign. The other brighter side of me says to move on but the hell I went through and the physical pain and discomfort of having ringing ears, dizzy spells, migraine headache’s along with other symptoms and B.S. I went through after they left me hanging has got to be worth something. To sum it all up I am looking for somebody that has had a similar experience. I am looking for a possible diagnosis, rather than being a Lab Rat and taking Anti-Seizure Meds.

Unfortunately I do not have any advice for you as I’ve never heard of similar health conditions but I must say I’m very sorry for what you’ve had to endure.

I was surprised reading your summary about how soon you notified your doctor that you were a pilot “My doctor was out for the day so I had to see his nurse practitioner who told me she did not know what was wrong with me but I could not fly and was "grounded" until cleared by a Neurologist and a Flight Surgeon.” ???

Maybe I’m being paranoid but I don’t EVER tell a doctor I am a pilot unless it’s my FAA medical! For that medical I only go when I’m feeling great! For health problems I always go to different doctors whom I trust so if they find something wrong with me “so far I’ve been very lucky” I’ll have time to “get it fixed” - if possible - before telling the faa. But that’s just me, I’m probably being paranoid.

I hope you can find someone who’s had similar symptoms and that you’ll be able to overcome this and get back to flying. I’m not sure though if you really want to be this specific here on this forum. My thinking is that if you do end up taking them to court, and it sounds like you might have to, aren’t you giving them lots of information that your attorney probably wouldn’t want you to give out? I am just speculating of course but I truly hope you’ll be able to overcome your health problems and get back to flying. Good luck to you!!!

Yes, I am looking to take them to court, however the good thing about this board is that it's kind of anonymous. I have left all names out of everything so when it actually comes time to point fingers nobody can say, "oh well that guy on flightinfo made this posting about this airline." Nobody knows for sure.
And for telling the doctors I was pilot.. Well I kind of had to because I knew I was sick. Like seriously ill and if went back to work a couple days after this happened for the five day trip I was supposed to do, I just knew something would happen. I had trouble getting out of bed. There really was no way possible I could climb into an airplane mentally,physically, etc. Just wasn't happening so that's why came clean. You're right about not offering the Pilot information to doctors though. I do agree with you, however this circumstance was a bit different.
My mind has been working for a few months. I've got a doctors appointment this coming week with another Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, since the last one didn't seem to know too much. It's a hurry up and wait, versus time factor here. Time will tell and heal hopefully. In the mean time I'm thankful I have a good job. Now that I'm dealing with another side of Aviation and see the possibilities with this industry when you're not focused on just sitting in a seat being a bus driver, I kind of wonder about progressing my career with Aviation in other aspects. I love flying the Jet, but when it comes down to it, each individual has to decide how many sacrifices do I want to make in order to fly this airplane?? I just spoke to a friend that works for Net Jets. He said "Man I'm getting tired of this being gone for seven days in a row Sh$t!" I sympathized because honestly what kind of life can an individual lead when they're doing that? Is it worth it? Are airplanes your life and you don't care about anything else?? Then maybe it's for you? There will always be somebody willing to do it for less money and work longer than you are willing to do it for. And that's what has hurt this industry, unfortunately. Anyways............. Not knocking on it, just stating facts to get people's mind working.
had a buddy with comparable issues. zyou did the right thing getting checkrf, but with him it was sinusitis and ear infection with damage. 8 weeks after sinus, septum and eustachian tube workm he was flying afain wtih a fresh 1st class medical. He gave his ame a status report from the ENT and neurologistm and got issued at the office....no deferal.

Best Wishes for your health and success,

Not sure if your airline is ALPA, but if you haven't done so already contact ALPA aeromedical. They will do all the leg work for you. All info is confidential.

Hey, I can tell you that I know exactly what you are talking about. As far as the symptoms go anyway. I had the same thing happen to me as First Year FO. Almost word for word on your story. Except the regional I work for did an Awesome job with taking care of me. I was out of work for one whole year. Landed a weeks stay at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. It was there that I was diagnosed with sinisitus and Moderated Obstructive Sleep Apnea. They don't believe that the sleep apnea was causing me to have all of those problems, but they say that it probably didin't help my general health either. I was without pay for One Year. In fact when I went back to work, I had to basically work for free for the first month because I had to pay back my medical premiums that the company had been paying while I was out. I did keep my health insurance though. The company would call me once a month to make sure everything was cool and I would update them on my situation (though not required to by law.)

So one year and and EKG, ENG, MRI's from my brain to my tailbone, Bone Scan, about 3 CT Scans, Chest X-rays, Stress Echo Testing on my heart, Colonoscopy, Endo down my throat, a Sleep study and a horrible surgery to correct the Sleep apnea (Tonsils out, Bone spurs removed from my nose and fixing a deviated septum) later and I was off to see my AME.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I would recommend that you be careful if you decide to go the legal route if you have any desire to get hired on somewhere else though.

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